
Latest version: v2.0.1

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Released April 4th 2013

- Fixed bug with http basic auth



Released April 3rd 2013

- Fixed bug with signals



Released March 13th 2013

- Added Flask-Pewee support
- Password hashing is now more flexible and can be changed to a different type at will
- Flask-Login messages are configurable
- AJAX requests must now send a CSRF token for security reasons
- Form messages are now configurable
- Forms can now be extended with more fields
- Added change password endpoint
- Added the user to the request context when successfully authenticated via http basic and token auth
- The Flask-Security blueprint subdomain is now configurable
- Redirects to other domains are now not allowed during requests that may redirect
- Template paths can be configured
- The welcome/register email can now optionally be sent to the user
- Passwords can now contain non-latin characters
- Fixed a bug when confirming an account but the account has been deleted



Released January 6th 2013

- Fix bug in forms with `csrf_enabled` parameter not accounting attempts to login using JSON data



Released December 23rd 2012

- Change dependency requirement



Released December 11th 2012

- Fix a small bug in `flask_security.utils.login_user` method

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