
Latest version: v0.4.0

Safety actively analyzes 708028 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Adds Python 3.10 support
- Removes Flask-Script library in favor of click.



New features

- Adds integration with Click library for Flask 0.11+.

Improved features

- Improves exclusion of specific URLs without parameters
from to the sitemap. (closes 24) (closes 25) (closes 26)

Bug fixes

- Reuses exiting request context if it exits. (closes 35)
- Prepends '/' to endpoint urls for compatibility with Flask 1.0.
- Improves documentation about ``SITEMAP_URL_SCHEME``.
- Fixes typo in ``SITEMAP_VIEW_DECORATORS``.


- Removes support for Python 2.6 and 3.3.



New features

- Adds new command line interface to generate sitemap. (13)

Improved features

- Adds 'application/octet-stream' content type to GZipped response.

Bug fixes

- Uses pytest-runner as distutils command with dependency resolution.


- Improves integration of PyTest and addresses problem with missing
test requirements. (15)
- If you want to use command line interface install dependencies using
`pip install flask-sitemap[cli]`.



- Initial public release. (12)
- Support for configurable gzip response.
- Quickstart example for signals and caching. (8)
- Support for sitemap pages. (3)
- Adds an option ``SITEMAP_VIEW_DECORATORS`` for specifying list of view
decorators. (4)
- Adds support for ignoring certain endpoints through
``SITEMAP_IGNORE_ENDPOINTS`` configuration option. (2)
- Adds new option to automatically include all endpoints without
parameters. In order to enable this feature set



Has known vulnerabilities

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