
Latest version: v0.5.0

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- Update .gitignore
- Mark Yes and No for translation (51) (58)
- Mark 'No Items' for translation (60)
- Set long_description in setup.py


- Allow passing options to create_table (41)
- Fix to use super in LinkCol.get_attr_list (43)
- Refactor handling of HTML (44)
- Add option to allow empty table (45)
- Force env vars before imports in tests (46)
- Add option to set attributes on element in ButtonCol (47)
- Add option to pass url_kwargs_extra to LinkCol (50)
- Add release.sh script
- Remove semi-duplicate README


- Add table border option (40)


- Add NestedTableCol type
- Add test for NestedTableCol type
- Add entry to README.md for NestedTableCol type
- Add simple_nested.py example for NestedTableCol
- Add table_id keyword arg to Table initializer
- Add test for table_id field in Table initializer


- Fix tests for update to Babel
- Add config for read-the-docs
- Add better docs for the column types
- Fix some docs formatting
- Call to td_format for LinkCol td_contents.


- Fix DatetimeCol format option
- Formatting
- Fix to use super for Col subclasses

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