
Latest version: v2015.1.1

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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* Fix: Setup to allow bdist_wheel installs


* Improved: joonathan added ``kwargs`` passing to the ``Blueprint`` Router
* Improved: ``init_app`` and added ``__init__``
* Added: Deprecation warning to ``Basic`` router


* Hotfix: Fixed issue where routes would be reregistered with an app
incorrectly in the event of multiple app creations


* Feature: ``Include`` now supports ``endpoint`` prefixing
* Feature: Blueprint router can now take a blueprint instance
* Feature: Added support for ``VIA_ROUTES_NAME`` to set a common routes name
* Deprecated: ``Basic`` Router in favour of the ``Functional`` router
* Improved: ``Pluggable`` Router API is now cleaner
* Improved: Test Suite now uses PyTest
* Improved: ``ImproperlyConfigured`` now raised if routes module is not defined
in either ``init_app`` or in application configuration via


* Feature: Flask Admin Router
* Feature: Include ``url_prefix`` option


* Feature: Flask extension initialisation
* Feature: Basic and Pluggable Flask Routers
* Feature: Flask-Restful Router
* Feature: Ability to include other routes
* Feature: Ability to register blueprints

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