
Latest version: v33.1

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- fix potential issue with early return from out of order `before_request` hooks
- better doc and tests


- Add `add_group` method to register groups allowed for `authorize`,
and `add_scope` to register scopes allowed for `oauth`.
- Add corresponding `FSA_AUTHZ_GROUPS` and `FSA_AUTHZ_SCOPES` directives.
- Rename `user_oauth` as `user_scope` for consistency.
- Allow to provide configuration directives as constructor arguments.
- Improve documentation.


- Handle `Optional` on parameters, to please `mypy`.
- Add Python *3.12* check on CI.
- Improve documentation.


- Add `special_parameter` decorator and `FSA_SPECIAL_PARAMETER` directive to add special parameters.
- Add `CurrentUser` special parameter.
- Add `password_check` hook (also with `FSA_PASSWORD_CHECK` directive) for alternate password checking such as temporary access codes or external passwords, eg LDAP.
- Add `password_quality` hook (also with `FSA_PASSWORD_QUALITY` directive) to check for a password strength.
- Add `FSA_TOKEN_ISSUER` to specify a token issuer.
- Add `oauth` authentication for OAuth 2.0 authorization support (RFC 8693).
- Add `FSA_LOCAL` to adjust local data management.
- Set `FSA_TOKEN_RENEWAL` default to *0.0*.
- Prioritize authentication scheme per configuration or route order (`auth`).
- Improve documentation.


- add `Environ` special parameter
- rework internal `Reference` implementation by relying on [ProxyPatternPool](https://github.com/zx80/proxy-pattern-pool/)


- test with python 3.8 to 3.11 and pypy 3.8 and 3.9
- add special parameters for `Request`, `Session` and `Globals`
- require **Flask 2.2**
- improve `Reference` locking

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