
Latest version: v1.3.0

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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Improves logging mechanisms of the class by implementing `LoggerMixin`.


- Fixes an issue with RemoveHook that was wrongly accepting resources when they should have been removed from the flatten plan;


- Added a new feature so users can also flatten state files when they are exported to JSON using `terraform show -json`.
- Minor unit test improvements also added.
- Libraries were bumped to fix vulnerability issues.


Not secure
Fixes issue with `RemoveResourceByTagHook` when tag is empty.


Not secure
Fixes issue with `setup.py` not being able to locate the package in the shell environment.


Not secure
- Adds new `--remove` flag
- Change `--jsonplan` to `--plan`
- Implement hooks interface
- Improvement to project and pipeline

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