
Latest version: v0.3.6

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A much delayed update to Python 3....

It also switches the build system to use [Python Poetry]( and includes the latest version (0.7.4) of the [Flickr API library](


* A couple of great documentation updates by IzakMarais
* Fixes to various issues when downloading by astanin

Thanks to both for the contributions!


* Now sets the right filename extension for originals (when not `.jpg`)
* Adds ability to skip downloads of the photos (`-o`)
* Removes some unnecessary API calls


Upgraded to use newest version of PyYAML


Script now handles old 90 seconds videos (hello 2008!), and continues on IO Errors instead of throwing an exception and stopping.


Adds support for downloading videos (thx hsuantien), and adds support for download all photos for a given set, no matter if it's in a set or not.

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