
Latest version: v2.8.7

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- Optimize calling md5Cecksum which results in huge gains in runs after the 1st one.
- README updated with further clarifications explanation on file structure and loading/replace/delete logic and more FAQs
- flush on printing progress information when in paralell processing to ensure ordered output.
- Enhancement 33: New option -u --not-is-already-uploaded to disable checking if file is already actually loaded on flickr

Output Messages
- flush on printing progress information when in paralell processing to ensure ordered output of processed pics counter

Environment and Coding
- Python 2 + 3 compatibility


- Clarified use of Task Scheduler/crontab/SLEEP_TIME on instructions
- adjusted some remarks
- Solved 26
- Solved 31
- retry function:
- fixed: function retry... wrong use of variable "a" not set in some cases... like error 121
- adjusted messages wiht prefix "___"
- logging.error on error ...instead of warning
uploadPhoto function fixes:
- more focused try/exception
- 1st attempt at 28: Revise try/except on upload around except error '040'
- better message on uploaded

Output Messages
- Error messages and output messages adjustments

Environment and Coding
- Python 2 + 3 compatibility
- Python 3 testing scenarios


- 2.6.4 plus fix for 26 logging level for error "190"
- Enhancement 24 Python 2.7 and 3.6 compatibility.
- Test EXCLUDED_FOLDER and -f option. Included one more pic and album for testing.
- Fixes on cachedtoken
- Removed unused perms variable
- Added one more SQL SELECT error control

Output Messages
- Corrected DB error messages and output messages adjustments
- Corrected and aligned the error codes.

Environment and Coding
- Python 2 + 3 compatibility
- Python 3 testing scenarios
- Fixed several comments
- RemoveIgnoredMedia function with unicode Python 2/3
- Further testing options. Added uploadr_excluded.ini file for testing. .travis.yml adjusted


- doctest isthisStringUnicode
- fixed wrong indent on replacePhoto
- check if exists compare unicode setname
- unicode character in pics and albums
- Avoid duplicated images in between loads (15)
- retry on photosets.create
- retry on addPhoto
- corrected handling of return from addPhoto (via exception; via <err code xml> to be removed)

Output Messages
- corrected DB error messages and output messages adjustments
- Corrected and aligned the error codes.
- Added function StrOutisThisStringUnicode
- IGNORED_REGEX will work with unicode file names
- uploadr.ini examples for use of IGNORED_REGEX
- added mimetype video/3gp

Environment and Coding
- added use ot travisCI for continuous integration tests
- Heroku deployment plus Python 2+3 compatible exception handling
- included about 160 test images for upkloading into Flickr
- PEP8 adjustments
- handling null createResp
- Use of a wrapper function to repeat calls on flickr related functions: retry
- fix on Run identification
- edited function is_photo_already_uploaded


- fixed replacePhoto to use fileobj instead of filename to cater for unicode file names.
- should fix issue 14
- 1st step to address enhancement 15: debugging for duplicated photos (same checksum/md5, same title, same set name). Still does not fully prevent loading duplicates which namely occur due to errors. In princicple many loading errors are being avoided anyhow!
- created simplified function updatedVideoDat
- extended the use of reportError2 function (to be later renamed to reportError)
- protected more DB accesses with try/exception
- under testing.
- "-s" parameter to search for duplicates not operational yet


- addressed issue 12 and 13
- niceprint a + b -> niceprint a .format(b)
- niceprint error -> logging.error
- more error codes
- unicode on EXCLUDED_FOLDERS definition

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