What's new in 0.4.1 (March 2023)
This page details the changes for version 0.4.1 of Flood Modeller Python API
New features
- Add/remove units from 1D networks
- Add/remove elements from 2D models
- Simulate method added to XML2D
- Automatic backups
- Event Data attributes in IEF files are now treated as a dictionary object as opposed to
a list. This allows for each event data to have an associated title which is defined in
the IEF file as a comment before the event data attribute. The dictionary keys represent
the titles, and the values represent the event data paths. An example would look like
ief = IEF("path/to/file.ief")
ief.eventdata = {
'MainInflow' : 'Q100.IED',
'TribInflow' : 'Q100_trib.IED',
'TidalBoundary' : 'T100_DSBDY.IED'
This would then write out the following lines in the IEF file::
> :warning: Please note, this introduces a change which is incompatible with previous versions of
the API in how event data in IEF files is handled. Any existing code that treats eventdata
as a list will need to be updated in order to run this version.
- Find and return the next unit in reach with ``.next()`` function::
dat = DAT('some_network.dat')
some_unit = dat.sections['some_unit_name']
- Find previous unit in reach with ``.prev()`` function::
dat = DAT('some_network.dat')
- Improved test module
- CRUMP Unit Class added
- FLAT_V_WEIR Unit Class added
- INTERPOLATE Unit Class added
- REPLICATE Unit Class added
- OUTFALL Unit Class added
- UNSUPPORTED Unit Class added
Bug fixes
- Addressed 'FutureWarning' raised by lf_helpers module (27)
- Addressed Iteritems > items: futurewarning (30)
What's new in 0.4.0 (September 2022)
This page details the changes for version 0.4.0 of Flood Modeller Python API
New features
- 2D model support (XML2D Class): Read and edit Flood Modeller 2D model xml files
- 1D & 2D log file support (LF1 & LF2 Classes): Read and analyse simulation logs and
- Updated methods for testing equivalence between Flood Modeller class instances. Two
instances of the same class can now be tested using ``==`` to check whether they are
equivalent. In addition, a detailed breakdown of any differences can be found using
the ``.diff()`` method:
dat_a = DAT('some_network.dat')
dat_b = DAT('another_similar_network.dat')
if dat_a == dat_b: returns True/False
print('Files are equivalent')
print('Files not equivalent')
dat_a.diff(dat_b) prints a list of differences to terminal
- RNWEIR Unit Class added (Broad Crested Weir)
Bug fixes
- Fix issue that occured in IEF class if any values contained '=' in the value, for
example within a flowtimeprofile line.