
Latest version: v0.10.3

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* The preview server can now serve your custom 404 page.
* Adds an option `--max-invalidations` to control how many paths to
invalidate in CloudFront when uploading. Too many paths will end up being
charged. A large site being entirely rebuilt repeatedly can cost more in
invalidation charges than it would in the edge recaching content from S3.
Defaults to 100 paths. If this is set too low and a lot of paths need to
be invalidated, the entire site will be invalidated (`/*`).

Other changes

* Turn on the Flask debugger in the live preview server. This provides more
information when the page fails to generate, and means automatic reloading
when `generate.py` is changed.


* Fix a bug in the redirects uploader that stopped upload working
when there was a new file or redirect to upload



* Permanent (301) redirects from an old slug to a new location can be kept
in the `_site.toml`:

"/index.php" = "/"

and in an individual source:

previous_slug = ['/page']

Bug fixes

* Stop reusing previously generated files in the live preview.
* Use backwards-compatible importlib_resources for older pythons, and
test that part of the code.


Improvements to the blueprint (previously called "recipe") page.


* Live preview adds a permanent icon in the top-right that can be used
to toggle back and forth between rendered page and blueprint.
* In the blueprint:
* Edit/create/delete Sectile fragments directly in page.
* List the full Sectile fragments search path.

Bug fixes

* In the blueprint:
* show all Sectile dimensions, not just the ones that are set
* pretty print the context data



* Serve asset files (eg CSS, images, etc) from the source directory
during live preview.
* Raising `self.DoNotGenerate` in a generator will stop the current
page from being generated, without causing any errors.

Other changes

* Allow overriding an Atom feed's author and title values.

Bug fixes

* Fix wildcard generation of URLs. Some patterns were not matching, for
example `flourish generate /2021/?` was generating `/2021/index.html` but
not `/2021/04/21/index.html`, or any source with a slug starting
* Stop live preview caching sectile-generated templates, which invalidated
the point of being able to live preview changes as they are made.
* An Atom feed without entries will still generate now.


Bug fixes

* Months and days in date-based path segments are treated as
2-character segments, so now 4th June 2016 is generated
as `/2016/06/04` not `/2016/6/4`.

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