
Latest version: v1.3.0

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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:construction_worker: Continuous Integration

- Doc CI fix (13)
- Separate docs (11)

:technologist: Examples

- Make examples runnable by tag and improve running examples readme (7)

:books: Documentation

- Docs updates (17)
- Doc updates (12)
- Separate docs (11)
- Make examples runnable by tag and improve running examples readme (7)

:rocket: Features

- Use transaction domain tag for signing transactions (10)
- Change gGPC return types to intermediate types and add cadence decoding tests (8)

:beetle: Fixes

- Doc CI fix (13)

:rotating_light: Testing

- Change gGPC return types to intermediate types and add cadence decoding tests (8)


:construction_worker: Continuous Integration

- poetry-dynamic-versioning fix (6)

:beetle: Fixes

- poetry-dynamic-versioning fix (6)


:construction_worker: Continuous Integration

- Release automation test (5)

:books: Documentation

- Release automation test (5)

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