
Latest version: v0.3.4

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What's Changed
* Update README.md by kazewong in https://github.com/kazewong/flowMC/pull/126
* Simplifying and unifying proposal interface. by kazewong in https://github.com/kazewong/flowMC/pull/129
* Sampler performance util by kazewong in https://github.com/kazewong/flowMC/pull/132

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/kazewong/flowMC/compare/flowMC-0.2.2...flowMC-0.2.3


Minor bug fixes and consistency updates in 125

What's Changed
* New doc by kazewong in https://github.com/kazewong/flowMC/pull/125

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/kazewong/flowMC/compare/flowMC-0.2.1...flowMC-0.2.2


Two significant changes in this release, following PR 118 and PR 123.

Now there is a black box optimization interface using `evosax`, an evolutionary algorithm to find the optimum of the likelihood function. In our experience, this works better and is more paralleled compared to packages such as `jaxopt`.

In PR 123, we re-haul a large chunk of the normalizing flow interface. We now have deprecated `flax` and `distrax` in favor of `equinox`. More information can be find in the specific PR note

What's Changed
* small update to dual moon tutorial by marylou-gabrie in https://github.com/kazewong/flowMC/pull/120
* 118 black box optimization interface for finding maximum of the likelihood by kazewong in https://github.com/kazewong/flowMC/pull/122
* 123 update dependencies version by kazewong in https://github.com/kazewong/flowMC/pull/124

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/kazewong/flowMC/compare/flowMC-0.2.0...flowMC-0.2.1

What's Changed
* Syncing branch by kazewong in https://github.com/kazewong/flowMC/pull/106
* 103 control verbose for thorough experiments by kazewong in https://github.com/kazewong/flowMC/pull/107
* Add evaluate normalizing flow functionality in util and Sampler by kazewong in https://github.com/kazewong/flowMC/pull/108

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/kazewong/flowMC/compare/latest...nightly


What's Changed
* Syncing branch by kazewong in https://github.com/kazewong/flowMC/pull/106
* 103 control verbose for thorough experiments by kazewong in https://github.com/kazewong/flowMC/pull/107
* Add evaluate normalizing flow functionality in util and Sampler by kazewong in https://github.com/kazewong/flowMC/pull/108
* Data Batching, precompilation, and autotune by kazewong in https://github.com/kazewong/flowMC/pull/116

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/kazewong/flowMC/compare/stable...flowMC-0.2.0

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