Nested graphs are supported in flowpipe.
from flowpipe import Graph, Node
def MyNode(file):
Something is done in here ...
return {'file': file}
A graph that fixes an incoming file, cleaning up messy names etc.
+-----------------------+ +-------------------------+
| Cleanup Filename | | Change Lineendings |
|-----------------------| |-------------------------|
o file<> | +--->o file<> |
| file o-----+ | file o
+-----------------------+ +-------------------------+
fix_file = Graph(name="fix_file")
cleanup_filename = MyNode(name="Cleanup Filename", graph=fix_file)
change_lineendings = MyNode(name="Change Lineendings", graph=fix_file)
A second graph reads finds files, and extracts their contents into a database
+----------------+ +----------------------------+ +----------------+
| Find File | | Read Values from File | | Update DB |
|----------------| |----------------------------| |----------------|
o file<> | +--->o file<> | +--->o file<> |
| file o-----+ | file o-----+ | file o
+----------------+ +----------------------------+ +----------------+
udpate_db_from_file = Graph(name="udpate_db_from_file")
find_file = MyNode(name="Find File", graph=udpate_db_from_file)
values_from_file = MyNode(name="Read Values from File", graph=udpate_db_from_file)
update_db = MyNode(name="Update DB", graph=udpate_db_from_file)
The second graph however relies on clean input files so the first graph can
be used within the second "udpate db" graph.
For this purpose, graphs can promote input and output plugs from their nodes
to the graph level, making other graphs aware of them:
fix_file["Cleanup Filename"].inputs["file"].promote_to_graph(name="file_to_clean")
fix_file["Change Lineendings"].outputs["file"].promote_to_graph(name="clean_file")
Now the update_db graph can connect nodes to the fix_file graph
fix_file.outputs["clean_file"].connect(udpate_db_from_file["Read Values from File"].inputs["file"])
The result now looks like this:
+---udpate_db_from_file----+ +-------fix_file--------+ +--------fix_file---------+ +----udpate_db_from_file-----+ +---udpate_db_from_file----+
| Find File | | Cleanup Filename | | Change Lineendings | | Read Values from File | | Update DB |
|--------------------------| |-----------------------| |-------------------------| |----------------------------| |--------------------------|
o file<> | +--->o file<> | +--->o file<> | +--->o file<> | +--->o file<> |
| file o-----+ | file o-----+ | file o-----+ | file o-----+ | file o
+--------------------------+ +-----------------------+ +-------------------------+ +----------------------------+ +--------------------------+
Subgraphs can be accessed by their name from any participating graph
assert udpate_db_from_file.subgraphs["fix_file"] is fix_file
assert fix_file.subgraphs["udpate_db_from_file"] is udpate_db_from_file