
Latest version: v0.11.17

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- login command now takes password as a hidden field for improved security

Bug Fixes

- Fix for 135



- Smart resolution of project and dataset names. The names can now be shortened and the CLI will intelligently resolve it. Some example usage:

| Previous Version | New Version |
| ----------------- | --------------- |
| $ floyd logs alice/projects/cnn/2 | $ floyd logs |
| $ floyd output alice/projects/rnn/5 | $ floyd output rnn/5 |
| $ floyd data output alice/datasets/cats/5 | $ floyd data output cats/5 |
| $ floyd run --data alice/datasets/cats/5:/cats script.py | $ floyd run --data cats/5:/cats script.py |

More details about this feature is available on [FloydHub docs](https://docs.floydhub.com/guides/shortnames/).



- Add option to login with username and password:

`floyd login -u <username> -p <password`

This can be used as an alternative to using the token from the website.

Bug fix:

- Remove whitespace in tokens pasted during login.


bug fixes:
* fixed default input mount path for mounting datasets
* make output command work with running job's output

UX improvement:
* suggest user to split out data for large code sync


* fix exception in floyd clone command
* improve error message


* added to_dict method to jobs
* replace all IDs with human friendly names
* make human friendly name consistent with what's on the web UI
* show error message when a data delete request is sent for job output

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