
Latest version: v0.13.1

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- Follow up to bilingual files, let migration code enforce serializing non-localized content.


- Support multi-locale repositories as targets.
- Better recipe validation.
- When migrating from bilingual files, check that messages are translated.
- Base class `transforms.TransformPattern` to modify Fluent patterns during migrations.


- Make dependency on `python-hglib` optional.

fluent.syntax 0.7.0 (November 13, 2019)

- `MigrationContext` is a public API now.
- Split off `InternalContext` for non-public functionality and
internal APIs.
- Support `migrate-l10n` w/out `--reference-dir` to create vanilla
Fluent files from migration recipes.
- First release to upload to PyPI.

This is just an excerpt of the [full changelog](https://hg.mozilla.org/l10n/fluent-migration/changelog?rev=0.6.4::0.7.0&revcount=80).

fluent 0.6.4 (March 1, 2018)

- use compare-locales for plurals ordering ([bug 1415844](https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1415844))
- create transforms when all dependencies have been met up to a changeset

fluent 0.6.3 (February 13, 2018)

- Fix merge code to handle Terms properly

fluent 0.6.2 (February 8, 2018)

- Require compare-locales to run and test fluent.migrate. (47)

fluent 0.6.1 (February 6, 2018)

Various fixes to `fluent.migrate` for [bug 1424682][].

[bug 1424682]: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1424682

- Accept `Patterns` and `PatternElements` in `REPLACE`. (41)

`REPLACE` can now use `Patterns`, `PatternElements` and `Expressions` as
replacement values. This makes `REPLACE` accept the same Transforms as

- Never migrate partial translations. (44)

Partial translations may break the AST because they produce
`TextElements` with `None` values. For now, we explicitly skip any
transforms which depend on at least one missing legacy string to avoid
serialization errors.

- Warn about unknown FTL entries in transforms. (40)
- Fix how files are passed to `hg annotate`. (39)

fluent 0.6.0 (January 31, 2018)

- Implement Fluent Syntax 0.5.

- Add support for terms.
- Add support for ``, `` and `` comments.
- Remove support for tags.
- Add support for `=` after the identifier in message and term
- Forbid newlines in string expressions.
- Allow trailing comma in call expression argument lists.

In fluent-syntax 0.6.x the new Syntax 0.5 is supported alongside the old
Syntax 0.4. This should make migrations easier.

`FluentParser` will correctly parse Syntax 0.4 comments (prefixed with
`//`), sections and message definitions without the `=` after the
identifier. The one exception are tags which are no longer supported.
Please use attributed defined on terms instead.

`FluentSerializer` always serializes using the new Syntax 0.5.

- Expose `FluentSerializer.serializeExpression`. (134)

- Fix Bug 1428000 - Migrate: only annotate affected files (34)

fluent 0.4.4 (November 29, 2017)

- Bug 1411943 - Fix Blame for Mercurial 4.3+ (23)
- Bug 1412808 - Remove the LITERAL helper. (25)
- Bug 1321279 - Read target FTL files before migrations. (24)

The reference file for the transforms must now be passed as the second
argument to add_transforms.

- Bug 1318960 - Migrate files only when their messages change (26)
- Bug 1366298 - Skip SelectExpression in PLURALS for one plural category (27)
- Bug 1321290 - Migrate HTML entities to Unicode characters (28)
- Bug 1420225 - Read legacy files when scanning for Sources in transforms (30)

MergeContext.maybe_add_localization is now automatically called
interally when the context encounters a transforms which is a subclass of

fluent 0.4.3 (October 9, 2017)

- No changes affecting migration in this release of python-fluent

fluent 0.4.2 (September 11, 2017)

- Add an intermediate Placeable node for Expressions within Patterns.

This allows storing more precise information about the whitespace around
the placeable's braces.

See https://github.com/projectfluent/fluent/pull/52.

fluent 0.4.1 (June 27, 2017)

- No changes affecting migration in this release of python-fluent

fluent 0.4.0 (June 13, 2017)

- This is the first release to be listed in the CHANGELOG.

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