
Latest version: v1.4

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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* Fixed startup errors on Django 2.0.

Note that django-geoposition_ doesn't support Django 2.0 yet,
hence this package is not yet released as "v2.0".



* Fixed ``import_markers`` usage for Django 1.10
* Fixed Python 3 compatibility.
* Fixed mising dependency to *django-wysiwyg* for the admin.
* Dropped Django 1.6 and 1.7 support, which is also not supported by django-geoposition_ 0.3.

**NOTE:** On Django 1.11, you'll have to install the following package first::

pip -e git+https://github.com/philippbosch/django-geoposition.gitdjango-1.11egg=django-geoposition



* Fixed admin error in Django 1.11.
(note that the actual widget still needs updates, both in this package and django-geoposition_).



* Added ``GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY`` setting support.
Allow configuring a Google Maps API key.



* Optimize appearance at admin page, avoid loading Google Maps API.



* Fix Django migrations to avoid unnecessary migrations when settings change.

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