
Latest version: v0.11.2

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Refactor FlumpView construction (This is a massively breaking change.)


- Flump now supports running on python 2
- EntityData is now created in it's own function, making it easier to use flump
with models that don't expose `.id` & `.etag` properties.
- The test directory is no longer included in the packages in setup.py


- Pagination links now keep any non-pagination query string parmaeters that
are in the current request.


- Stopped redirecting to "canonical" URLs if an expected trailing slash was
missing. URLs should now be matched regardless of whether they have a
trailing slash or not.


- Include etags as part of entity `meta` section.
- Add current page and size to response `meta` section for paginated responses.


- Handle endpoints without trailing slashes better.
- Add a default BadRequest handler.

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