-------------------------- * Fix a bug in the isochoric line calculation, when filtering out suspicious values. The software crashed, when checking for non-rising temperature values on a single isochoric, when no more values were left due to being filtered out by the hampel filter earlier.
* Fix a couple of bugs introduced by v3.4 and smoothen the isochorics with the help of a hampel filter, thanks to `matzech <https://github.com/matzech/>`__.
* Refactor the generators for the isolines to make them more resilient and distribute points better within the given range of each isoline. * Add a method that allows the creation of isolines only within a specific range of the fluid properties.
* Make fluprodia compatible with numpy version 2.0.
* A class method to construct a `FluidPropertyDiagram` from the `to_json` data export is available.
* The `draw_isolines` method is now compatible with matplotlib darkmode style.