
Latest version: v0.2.2

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Add option to use gridMET grass reference ET (ETo) and EToF for gap filling daily ET. The default behavior still uses alfalfa reference ET, to use ETo assign the ``refET="ETo"`` keyword argument to :meth:`.QaQc.correct_data` or directly to :meth:`.QaQc._ET_gap_fill`. The ET and ET reference fraction plot labels are updated to show the correct reference ET variable used.

Improve scaling of scatter plots to give equal x and y axis lengths, change return of :meth:`.Plot.scatter_plot` to return tuple of (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) for use in plotting one to one lines or limiting axes lengths.



Change default functionality of the :meth:`.QaQc.write` method to use the internal variable names (as opposed to the input names) of ``flux-data-qaqc`` in the header files of the output daily and monthly time series CSV files. For example, the column for net radiation is always named and saved as "Rn". This can be reversed to the previous behavior of using the user's input names by setting the new ``use_input_names`` keyword argument to :meth:`.QaQc.write` to ``True``.

Change the :meth:`.Plot.scatter_plot` underlying call to the ``bokeh`` modules scatter plot as opposed to the set circle glyph plot. This allows the user to change the symbol from circle to others by passing a valid value to the scatter_plot's ``marker`` keyword argument, e.g. ``marker='cross'``.



Add least squares linear regression method for single or multivariate input; specifically the ``QaQc.lin_regress()`` method. It can be used to correct energy balance components or for any arbitrary time series data loaded in a ``QaQc`` instance. It produces and returns a readable table with regression results (fitted coefficients, root-mean-square-error, etc.) which can be accessed from ``QaQc.lin_regress_results`` after calling the method. The default regression if used to correct energy balance components assumes net radiation is accurate (as the dependent variable):

:math:`Rn = c_0 + c_1 G + c_2 LE + c_3 H`

where :math:`c_0 = 0`.

This regression utilizes the scikit-learn Python module and therefore it was added to the environment and setup files as a dependency.



Add hourly ASCE standardized reference ET calculation to the ``Data`` class as :meth:`.Data.hourly_ASCE_refET` with options for short and tall (grass and alfalfa) reference ET calculations. If the input data is hourly or higher frequency the input data for the reference ET calculation will automatically be resampled to hourly data. If the input data is hourly then the resulting reference ET time series will be merged with the :attr:`.Data.df` attribute otherwise if the input data is at a temporal frequency > hourly, then the reference ET time series will be return by the :meth:`.Data.hourly_ASCE_refET` method.

Add methods and options to linearly interpolate energy balance variables based on length of gaps during daytime (:math:`Rn > 0`) and night (:math:`Rn < 0`). These methods are run automatically by the ``QaQc`` constructor if temporal frequency of input is detected as less than daily. New keyword arguments to ``QaQc`` are ``max_interp_hours`` and ``max_interp_hours_night`` respectively.

Other notable changes:

* first release on GitHub
* creation of this file/page (the Change Log)
* add optional return options to plot methods of ``Data`` and ``QaQc`` objects for custimization of default plots or to show/use a subset of them



Major improvements and notabable changes include:

* add package to PyPI
* change allowable gap percentage for monthly time series to 10 % from 70 %
* add reading of wind direction data, BSD3 license, add package data
* fix bugs related to filtering of subday gaps
* improve plots and other error handling, add feature to hide lines in line plots



Major improvements and notabable changes include:

* first documentation on `ReadTheDocs <https://flux-data-qaqc.readthedocs.io/en/latest/>`__
* add multiple pages in docs such as installation, config options, basic tutorials, full API reference, etc.
* improve and streamline config file options
* add vapor pressure and vapor pressure deficit calculations for hourly or lower frequency data in the ``Data.df`` property (upon initial loading of time series into memory
* add automatic unit conversions and checks on select input variables using the ``Convert`` class in the ``util`` module
* add new plots in default plots from ``QaQc`` class, e.g. filtered and raw ETrF
* many rounds of improvements to plots, e.g. hover tooltips, linked axes, style, options for columns, etc.
* modify Energy Balance Ratio to filter out extreme values of filtered Energy Balance Ratio correction factors
* improve temporal resampling with options to drop days with certain fraction of sub-daily gaps
* track number of gap days in monthly time series of corrected ET
* add examples of ET gap-filling to docs and change most example data to use Twitchel Island alfalfa site data from AmeriFlux
* add plotting of input data using ``plot`` method of ``Data`` instance which allows for viewing of input data at its initial temporal frequency

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