Major improvements and notabable changes include:
* first documentation on `ReadTheDocs <https://flux-data-qaqc.readthedocs.io/en/latest/>`__
* add multiple pages in docs such as installation, config options, basic tutorials, full API reference, etc.
* improve and streamline config file options
* add vapor pressure and vapor pressure deficit calculations for hourly or lower frequency data in the ``Data.df`` property (upon initial loading of time series into memory
* add automatic unit conversions and checks on select input variables using the ``Convert`` class in the ``util`` module
* add new plots in default plots from ``QaQc`` class, e.g. filtered and raw ETrF
* many rounds of improvements to plots, e.g. hover tooltips, linked axes, style, options for columns, etc.
* modify Energy Balance Ratio to filter out extreme values of filtered Energy Balance Ratio correction factors
* improve temporal resampling with options to drop days with certain fraction of sub-daily gaps
* track number of gap days in monthly time series of corrected ET
* add examples of ET gap-filling to docs and change most example data to use Twitchel Island alfalfa site data from AmeriFlux
* add plotting of input data using ``plot`` method of ``Data`` instance which allows for viewing of input data at its initial temporal frequency