
Latest version: v2.2.8

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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* Include set x-auth-token to - on set_token().
* Fix authorization_token not working on action and realtime.
* Parse server hostname automatically on get_tcp_socket().
* Make set_server method more intelligent to autocomplete the required parts.
* Add metadata becomes save metadata which creates or updates metadata.


* Include predictions management methods.
* Refactor all methods to use _ instead of camel case.
* Include a method to set authorization token.
* Refactor send realtime messages to send samples on same format.
* Include batch_enabled as global variable.
* Include more action_types that Flythings Platform Allows.
* Posibilidad de actuaciones de tipo ongoing.


* Allow to save device metadata on text and date format.


* Include a flag to update always a featureOfInterest


* Include recv to clear buffer after send realtime data.


* Print response text after send observations to allow to view request errors.

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