
Latest version: v0.5.4

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* Bug fix: Mutable field defaults are no longer shared among model instances


* Bug fix: Incorrect ``ConditionalCheckFailedException`` when syncing changes to a Composite field.
* Allow ``DateTimeType`` to be stored as a naive datetime.


* Make the ``dict``, ``list``, and ``bool`` types backwards-compatible with the old json-serialized format (:pr:`24`)
* Allow queries to use ``in``, ``not null``, and a few other constraints that were missing (:sha:`8b8854d`)
* Models are smarter about marking fields as dirty for sync (:issue:`26`)
* Stopped using deprecated ``expected`` syntax for dynamo3


* **Warning**: Stored datetime objects will now be timezone-aware (:sha:`a7c253d`)
* **Warning**: Stored datetime objects will now keep their microseconds (:sha:`fffe92c`)


* **Breakage**: Dropping support for python 3.2 due to lack of botocore support
* **Breakage**: Changing the ``list``, ``dict``, and ``bool`` data types to use native DynamoDB types instead of JSON serializing
* **Breakage** and bug fix: Fixing serialization of ``datetime`` and ``date`` objects (for more info see the commit) (:sha:`df049af`)
* Feature: Can now do 'contains' filters on lists
* Feature: Fields support multiple validation checks
* Feature: Fields have an easy way to enforce non-null values (``nullable=False``)

Data type changes are due to `an update in the DynamoDB API


* **Breakage**: Engine namespace is slightly different. If you pass in a string it will be used as the table name prefix with no additional '-' added.

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