
Latest version: v0.8.2

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- fix typo (gcm -> android) for what fmn.lib expects `a3b0f6f2e <>`_
- Add some debugging for fedora-infra/fmn60. `b900446a3 <>`_
- Ignore all anitya notifications `22510225d <>`_
- Merge pull request 36 from fedora-infra/anitya-defaults `eb749e04d <>`_
- Add some documentation on testing fmn.lib `6d107312c <>`_
- Merge pull request 38 from fedora-infra/test-docs `078091361 <>`_
- Implement one-shot filters `940813fc9 <>`_
- Merge pull request 37 from fedora-infra/oneshot-filters `09598b6f3 <>`_
- Improve findability of the hacking document `1bcaa2603 <>`_
- Merge pull request 39 from fedora-infra/docs `e503c53c1 <>`_
- Getting fancy. `2ac3feef7 <>`_
- Allow callable hints to be inverted. `46e00afcf <>`_
- Merge pull request 40 from fedora-infra/feature/invert-callable-hints `41d6b0a83 <>`_
- Add forgotten alembic upgrade script. `99d790a76 <>`_
- Add a verbose column for fedora-infra/fmn67. `575882099 <>`_
- This needs to be a server default to affect our existing users. `4849d8b19 <>`_
- Pass the verbose value on to fmn.consumer to be used at dispatch time. `35d344d56 <>`_
- Ignore pkgdb2branch stuff by default. `434a33e42 <>`_
- Typofix. `74775630f <>`_
- Add utilities for altering arguments to a rule. `d9e5960e7 <>`_
- Merge pull request 41 from fedora-infra/feature/verbose-setting `af8286271 <>`_
- Merge pull request 42 from fedora-infra/feature/no-pkgdb2branch-in-defaults `bfdb09656 <>`_
- Merge pull request 43 from fedora-infra/feature/alter-rule-args `23a3baaa2 <>`_
- Ask an SMTP server to validate our email addresses. `1f69c0e54 <>`_
- Fix the test suite. `8828fb8ff <>`_
- Merge pull request 44 from fedora-infra/feature/ask-smtp-server-to-validate `0ed84eb5a <>`_
- Default triggered-by-links to True. `ecd29a60c <>`_
- Merge pull request 45 from fedora-infra/feature/default-triggered-by `893db05ca <>`_



- Allow longer email TLDs. `1fda391ee <>`_
- Introduce callable hints. `f3ab3d983 <>`_
- Make that callable accept the config (so we can access caches, lookup packages of a packager, etc). `764047460 <>`_
- Merge pull request 35 from fedora-infra/feature/callable-hinting `1a6a8339b <>`_



- Add koji_rpm_sign to the ignored defaults. `5cb542988 <>`_
- Merge pull request 34 from fedora-infra/feature/rpm-sign `8b1b3c8a9 <>`_



- Turns out that this needs to be in the ``mutual`` section. `f8100dbe5 <>`_
- Merge pull request 31 from fedora-infra/feature/summershum-defaults-tweak `d4e0cca42 <>`_
- Only refresh the prefs cache for single users when we can. `2877f06d8 <>`_
- Merge pull request 32 from fedora-infra/feature/per-person-cache-refresh `36878ca86 <>`_



- Make this print statement simpler. `89c2ff8fd <>`_
- Cascade removed rules to their filters. `6a7a52559 <>`_
- Merge pull request 25 from fedora-infra/feature/cascade-removed-rules `72d284e53 <>`_
- Essential. `105063e09 <>`_
- Merge pull request 26 from fedora-infra/feature/cascade-removed-rules `ca8ce4db9 <>`_
- Further update the defaults. `adea18d19 <>`_
- Swap the order of the two default filters. `0c105d0ff <>`_
- Merge pull request 27 from fedora-infra/feature/further-update-defaults `1be4450d4 <>`_
- Add failing test for fedora-infra/fmn40. `6a04a1ace <>`_
- Add example rule for test. `b0aad0ba8 <>`_
- Get and test all three: argspec, docstring, and custom attrs. `f9bb4df31 <>`_
- Fix bug in cache-key generation. `7eefcead4 <>`_
- Merge pull request 28 from fedora-infra/feature/hint-decoration-fix `9ef68848c <>`_
- Merge pull request 29 from fedora-infra/feature/cache-key-bugbear `146654621 <>`_
- Actually, just ignore all my own bodhi activity. `0dadb5d50 <>`_
- Add a default filter to catch username mentions. `811054e24 <>`_
- Merge pull request 30 from fedora-infra/feature/still-more-default-tweaking `962c9ec0e <>`_



- Add fedmsg.d/ for tests on travis. `b2c7addf2 <>`_
- Remove extra newlines. `97c2e57a0 <>`_
- Explicitly order rules attached to a filter. `39ce3d34f <>`_
- Merge pull request 23 from fedora-infra/feature/explicit-ordering `daf89590a <>`_
- Consolidate defaults. `7ac202149 <>`_
- Merge pull request 24 from fedora-infra/feature/consolidate `b4ac16366 <>`_

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