
Latest version: v0.9.1

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- Add a new rule for the new koji rpm sign message. `6790673fb <>`_
- Merge pull request 36 from fedora-infra/feature/rpm-sign `e360a3df4 <>`_



- Fix regex. `1b9b2ee95 <>`_
- Merge pull request 34 from fedora-infra/feature/fix-regex `00e8f4adc <>`_
- Don't search certificate and signature with regex. `4b5cdee0b <>`_
- Merge pull request 35 from fedora-infra/feature/one-thousand-percent `e4ffa62aa <>`_



- Avoid calling pkgdb when we don't have to. `e3701471d <>`_
- Actually add rules for the-new-hotness. `d8b6ca63d <>`_
- Fix stray search/replace. `7cfe56383 <>`_
- Merge pull request 31 from fedora-infra/feature/hotness2 `bb1f1f0d2 <>`_
- Merge pull request 30 from fedora-infra/feature/mini-optimization `d8d5763c1 <>`_
- Add a few more catchall rules. `c1f5d61bb <>`_
- Fix some links in the docstrings. `71893a4c1 <>`_
- Careful with encoding for regex match. `ad0dd1b86 <>`_
- Merge pull request 33 from fedora-infra/feature/special-encoding `f29f52ca6 <>`_
- Merge pull request 32 from fedora-infra/feature/more-catchall `b784aef95 <>`_



- Remove extra newlines. `610afeff9 <>`_
- Include rules for the-new-hotness. `45a13621d <>`_
- Add some new "catchall" rules to try and simplify the giant list of defaults. `2f93288ae <>`_
- Merge pull request 28 from fedora-infra/feature/hotness `cdeb6299d <>`_
- s/trigger/match/ `777f5a408 <>`_
- Test specifically the category field. `fbaf35901 <>`_
- Merge pull request 29 from fedora-infra/feature/consolidate `b46d2fee0 <>`_



- Only check pkgdb ownership of pkgdb groups (instead of *all* groups). `873dff49b <>`_
- Merge pull request 23 from fedora-infra/feature/pkgdb-groups `cbfc37d05 <>`_
- Add rules for summershum messages. `3844335d5 <>`_
- Add a rule to select only critpath updates from bodhi. `aaca4f4d1 <>`_
- Merge pull request 24 from fedora-infra/feature/summershum `d99ea4252 <>`_
- Merge pull request 25 from fedora-infra/feature/critical-path `a1adb3ee3 <>`_
- datanommer hints for bodhi rules `5e791a464 <>`_
- Make a bunch of topic-specific hints. `c74bfd577 <>`_
- All the rest of the hinting. `4800247ad <>`_
- Merge pull request 26 from fedora-infra/feature/datanommer-hinting `1ec8389b2 <>`_
- Less formal short-descriptions for rules. `8d5735c9e <>`_
- Update some text based on code review. `0e2fdcf27 <>`_
- Merge pull request 27 from fedora-infra/feature/less-formal `f673b694a <>`_



- Add the first rules for anitya integration in FMN `f409289c7 <>`_
- Import the anitya rules at the module level `89a71d5c4 <>`_
- Change from Anitya:.. to Upstream:.. to be a little more user-friendly `aec962486 <>`_
- Merge pull request 18 from fedora-infra/feature/anitya `9fa5cec2a <>`_
- Rules for Koschei state change and groups `ba0dfd910 <>`_
- Use links in docstrings `a7b954859 <>`_
- Merge pull request 19 from msimacek/feature/koschei `26c6838f0 <>`_
- fix topic name on project update `86f68de3c <>`_
- Merge pull request 20 from sayanchowdhury/topic-fix `ac1d39f85 <>`_
- update the rules for anitya `e3ceacdae <>`_
- update the rules for bodhi `059ebb859 <>`_
- add rules for bugzilla `56ddd8f31 <>`_
- update the rules for buildsys `88ffe3b6e <>`_
- update the rules for compose `ac603ecac <>`_
- update rules for fedbadges `215b8b7ac <>`_
- create rules for fedimg `6cbb43cb3 <>`_
- update the rules of fedimg `c9bdbb98c <>`_
- create the rules for fedora_elections `ceb793db5 <>`_
- update the rules for fedoratagger `e50456a8d <>`_
- create rules for nuancier `9412c6b98 <>`_
- Add the new rules for kerneltest `b609809c5 <>`_
- create the rules for jenkins `592544f01 <>`_
- Create rules for github `aec4444e5 <>`_
- create rules for fmn `b98c44c9e <>`_
- update and add news for Fedora Package DB `2097c15c0 <>`_
- fix typo in fedora_elections `7e59dd3c6 <>`_
- add the removed function for anitya info update `2a76d03a2 <>`_
- fix topic description in bodhi `227441b1f <>`_
- fix topic descriptions in fedimg `f6fd09a26 <>`_
- change topic description in tagger `8dd722df2 <>`_
- remove duplicate redundant method in github `939114bc6 <>`_
- update the topic description in pkgdb `eecd8d5ec <>`_
- fix topic name in pkgdb `291e4ae5f <>`_
- fix description in pkgdb acl delete `02876f511 <>`_
- update description for topics in fedoratagger `b4014518f <>`_
- rename fmn to fmn_notifications `16cce9b7b <>`_
- Merge pull request 21 from sayanchowdhury/gh-31 `8cb2ca696 <>`_
- update the init file with the new modules `a40226143 <>`_
- Merge pull request 22 from sayanchowdhury/update_init `923fc8d32 <>`_

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