
Latest version: v0.9.1

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Add forgotten import. `d1b0ab33d <>`_
- Start an utility method to retrieve the member of a group `get_user_of_group` `ae0e02c9c <>`_
- Expand _get_pkgdb2_packagers_for to include the members of a group if the group has ACLs `d04966c17 <>`_
- get_user_of_group requires access to the fedmsg config `4663e3954 <>`_
- Add logic to instantiate an AccountSystem object if there isn't already one `f7ac04f40 <>`_
- If the package has a group with some ACL, get the AccountSystem client and forward the configuration `fb75e310c <>`_
- Adjust the structure of the FAS credential per ralphbean's advice `ccbea668e <>`_
- pep8. `89b22b5d6 <>`_
- Typofix. `7d50e5751 <>`_
- Apply group-ownership stuff to packages-of-user in addition to packagers-of-package. `23a469e91 <>`_
- Merge pull request 16 from fedora-infra/feature/group_maintainer `ea438e745 <>`_
- Add a rule that lets you filter by koji instance(s). `9b9e6b963 <>`_
- Strip instances. `07b8cb64e <>`_
- Merge pull request 17 from fedora-infra/feature/koji-instances `8c77c2648 <>`_



- Add a rule for matching a generic regex. `07276649c <>`_
- Merge pull request 15 from fedora-infra/feature/generic-regex `063d5fc46 <>`_



- More Copr messages: success, failed, skipped `c7004cd1f <>`_
- Merge pull request 14 from hroncok/copr_status `e3b6ebe9e <>`_



- Switch back to using user-centric caching. `664a27fd8 <>`_
- Use our own cache keys for dogpile.cache. `a197a39ed <>`_
- Add a cache invalidation function. `08afda487 <>`_
- Typofixes. `12d7f5bd8 <>`_
- Merge pull request 13 from fedora-infra/feature/whats-old-is-new-again `9e6b00e5f <>`_



- Double check we retrieved data `b2b5c27e0 <>`_
- Typofix. `07f618ec6 <>`_
- Typofix Mark II. `0d4035a94 <>`_
- Merge pull request 9 from fedora-infra/be_safe `f8fbf543c <>`_
- Try 3 times before failing to talk to pkgdb2. `6ce5d9052 <>`_
- Link to dev instructions from the README. `96ace35fe <>`_
- Merge pull request 12 from fedora-infra/feature/careful-with-the-pkgdb2-plz `fb3dc02ae <>`_



- Add package-centric caching routines to fmn.rules.utils. `2c3901c24 <>`_
- Use package-centric caching routines. `c0e0fc2c4 <>`_
- Safety first. `ec26c9aeb <>`_
- Merge pull request 10 from fedora-infra/feature/package-centric-caching `89009d55e <>`_

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