
Latest version: v1.0.6

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- :dart: feat: migrate code from py3.8 to py3.9 (42) (_2024-01-04_)



- :dart: feat: add float2decimal util function for convert value in Storage formatter obj. (_2023-10-16_)

Code Changes

- :construction: refactored: ⬆ bump actions/setup-python from 4 to 5 (_2024-01-01_)
- :construction: refactored: ⬆ bump actions/download-artifact from 3 to 4 (_2024-01-01_)
- :construction: refactored: ⬆ bump actions/upload-artifact from 3 to 4 (_2024-01-01_)
- :construction: refactored: 📦 bump clishelf from 0.1.0 to 0.1.1 (_2024-01-01_)
- :construction: refactored: ⬆ bump pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish from 1.8.10 to 1.8.11 (_2023-12-01_)
- :construction: refactored: 📦 bump clishelf from 0.0.4 to 0.1.0 (_2023-11-01_)

Fix Bugs

- :gear: fixed: change name of config data for clishelf on pyproject file. (_2024-01-04_)

Build & Workflow

- :toolbox: build: change timezone from UTC to Etc/UTC. (_2023-11-22_)
- :toolbox: build: change frequency of dependabot from weekly to monthly. (_2023-11-22_)



- :dart: feat: create extract_wildcard class-method for BaseVersion object. (_2023-10-16_)

Code Changes

- :construction: refactored: change object name of _VersionPackage to VerPackage for reusable. (_2023-10-16_)
- :construction: refactored: change type of standard value of Storage formatter obj. (_2023-10-16_)



- :dart: feat: add to_const use-case for the formatter group. (_2023-10-15_)
- :dart: feat: add string value that able to pass to any formatter objs. (_2023-10-15_)
- :dart: feat: add from_formats and from_value class-method for formatter group. (_2023-10-14_)


- :page_facing_up: docs: update doc-string for Cosntant, FormatterGroup objs. (_2023-10-14_)
- :page_facing_up: docs: update doc-string on Naming, Storage formatter objs. (_2023-10-13_)



- :dart: feat: add train format for Naming formatter object. (_2023-10-12_)

Code Changes

- :construction: refactor: 🚧 [] auto fixes from hooks (_2023-10-09_)
- :construction: refactor: 🚧 [] pre-commit autoupdate (_2023-10-09_)
- :construction: refactored: add type hint on formatter obj. (_2023-10-06_)
- :construction: refactored: add next_version method to VersionPackage and test-cases. (_2023-10-05_)


- :page_facing_up: docs: update doc-string on Datetime, Serial formatter objs. (_2023-10-13_)
- :page_facing_up: docs: update doc-string for formatter object. (_2023-10-13_)
- :page_facing_up: docs: update logo on python version support. (_2023-10-06_)

Build & Workflow

- :toolbox: build: add deps version on pyproject file. (_2023-10-12_)



- :dart: feat: add __add__ operation for version formatter obj. (_2023-10-05_)
- :dart: feat: add VersionPackage that will instead packaging.version. (_2023-10-04_)
- :dart: feat: initial version object for Version formatter obj. (_2023-10-03_)
- :dart: feat: add %c and %u format for Serial formatter object. (_2023-10-02_)

Code Changes

- :construction: refactor: 🚧 [] pre-commit autoupdate (_2023-10-03_)
- :test_tube: test: add test-case that compare between the value and datetime with same format string. (_2023-10-02_)
- :test_tube: test: add storage examples test-case. (_2023-10-02_)


- :page_facing_up: docs: update 'train' naming format in doc-string. (_2023-10-03_)
- :page_facing_up: docs: update length of license comment. (_2023-10-02_)

Build & Workflow

- :toolbox: build: add /tests/ on exclude list for build to sdist. (_2023-10-02_)

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