
Latest version: v0.5.2

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Fix regression in ``v0.5.1`` that broke ``get/has`` for dictionaries and dot-delimited keys that reference integer dict-keys.



- Fix bug in ``get/has`` that caused ``defaultdict`` objects to get populated on key access.



- Fix bug in ``intersection/intersectionby`` and ``difference/differenceby`` where incorrect results could be returned when generators passed in as the sequences to compare with.
- Add support for Python 3.9.
- Drop support for Python <= 3.5.



- Add functions:

- ``differenceby``
- ``duplicatesby``
- ``intersectionby``
- ``unionby``



- compose: Introduce new "partial" shorthand where instead of passing a callable, a ``tuple`` can be given which will then be converted to a callable using ``functools.partial``. For example, instead of ``fnc.compose(partial(fnc.filter, {'active': True}), partial(fnc.map, 'email'))``, one can do ``fnc.compose((fnc.filter, {'active': True}), (fnc.map, 'email'))``.



- Add functions:

- ``negate``
- ``over``
- ``overall``
- ``overany``

- Rename functions: (**breaking change**)

- ``ismatch -> conforms``
- ``matches -> conformance``

- Make ``conforms/conformance`` (formerly ``ismatch/matches``) accept callable dictionary values that act as predicates against comparison target. (**breaking change**)

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