
Latest version: v3.4.0

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Initialize model with only user-defined hyperparameters, with the rest set to default values
- Automatic formatting of inputs and data, including normalization of inputs
- Keyword 'train' for automatic test/train splits
- Keywords added to model.coverage3() for user control of plotting
- Storage of various info such as inputs, data, normalization scale factors, etc. as attributes of model
- Function model.clear() for removing attributes from model that are not hyperparameters, to enable sweeping / iterating through datasets without needing to create a new FoKL class


- Documentation update
- Updated example scripts to match new functionality


- Changes in how FoKL is called
- Updated examples to match MatLab repo
- Fixed issues in GP_Intergrate


File structure changes pre-release


- Bug Fixes


PyProject Config

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