
Latest version: v0.3.5

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- Support hashing the `folded_tensor.length` field (via a UserList), which is convenient for caching
- Improve error messaging when refolding with missing dims


- Fix a data_dims access issue
- Marginally improve the speed of handling FoldedTensors in standard torch operations
- Use default torch types (e.g. `torch.float32` or `torch.torch64`)


- Handle empty inputs (e.g. `as_folded_tensor([[[], []], [[]]])`) by returning an empty tensor
- Correctly bubble errors when converting inputs with varying deepness (e.g. `as_folded_tensor([1, [2, 3]])`)


- Allow to use `as_folded_tensor` with no args, as a simple padding function


- Enable sharing FoldedTensor instances in a multiprocessing + cuda context by autocloning the indexer before fork-pickling an instance
- Distribute arm64 wheels for macOS


- Allow dims after last foldable dim during list conversion (e.g. embeddings)

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