
Latest version: v2.5.7

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Minor bugfix release:

* Fixes an issue in folia2salt (thanks to parkervg)


* [foliatextcontent] Fixed and improved substring linking, adding markup elements that reference substrings, also supports corrections 23


Minor update:

* [tei2folia] Better handling, detection and validation of IDs 22


Major performance improvement in foliasplit.


* [rst2folia] implemented rubric handling
* [foliasplit] Implemented a new tool to split a FoLiA document into multiple documents, based on a user's selection criteria. Also allows for linking from a parent document to external child documents. 20
* [foliaerase] Fixed the inability to properly handle markup elements 21


Bugfix release:
* [rst2folia] Made more robust against failures 17
* [rst2folia] support for conversion of containers (divs) from html 18

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