
Latest version: v1.7.2

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This version fixes a bug when retrieving user records.


Highlights of the changes in this release:

* Implemented fully the _Change records_ tab for item and holdings record changes.
* Changed the lookup tab to have a checkbox controlling whether only open loans are searched, or whether all loans are searched.
* Changed the lookup tab to have a checkbox controlling whether the FOLIO inventory API or the storage API is used to get records.
* Revised the order of the tabs to put "lookup records" first, as this seems like a more useful default.
* Slightly revised the user interface layout of some of the tabs.
* Fixed system tray widget for macOS.
* Fixed various bugs throughtout.
* Rewrote various internal functions for (hopefully) better clarity and logic.

Finally, documentation is now available at


Changes relative to the previous release:

* Fix bug in List UUIDs tab that caused the detailed records panel to always show the same record.
* Fix problem that on Windows, errors occurring before the window was created would not be shown at all.
* Make it so that exiting the taskbar widget will exit Foliage.


Changes relative to the previous release:

* Add ability to export a log of what was done in the change and delete tabs.
* Added a better and more informative splash screen on Windows.
* Reimplemented many dialogs using the PyWebIO popup widget instead of the JavaScript dialog used before.
* Fixed various internal coding bugs.


First internal release at the Caltech Library.


Project repository created at
by Mike Hucka.

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