
Latest version: v1.1.17

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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- Do not rewrite source Markdown file if an error occurs.


- Don’t crash on failed repo sync (i.e. when you’re offline).


- Require at least one space after hashes in the beginning of each heading.
- Add `inline` option to the `<include>` tag.
- Fix the bug: do not ignore empty lines after headings when using `sethead`.
- Fix the bug: allow to use less than 3 characters in the heading content.
- Do not mark as headings the strings that contain more than 6 leading hashes. If shifted heading level is more than 6, mark the heading content as bold paragraph text, not as heading.


- Fix paths resolving in case of recursive processing of include statements.
- Allow revision markers in repo aliases.


- Fix logging in file search method.
- Fix top heading level calculation.


- Use paths that are relative to the current processed Markdown file.
- Fix `sethead` behavior for headings that contains hashes (``).

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