
Latest version: v1.0.10

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- Diagrams with same options now generate in single PlantUML instance.
- Error tracebacks now are shown in console, _error images are not generated_.
- Markdown image tags for broken diagrams are not inserted so they won't crash the build of the project.


- Config options now can be overriden in tag options.
- Add `as_image` option, which allows (when `false`) to insert svg-code instead of image into the document.


- Attributes of `<plantuml>` tag have higher priority than config file options.


- Do not rewrite source Markdown file if an error occurs.
- Use output() method and Foliant 1.0.8.


- Additionally сheck if diagram image is not saved.


- Add `parse_raw` option.
- Do not fail the preprocessor if some diagrams contain errors. Write error messages into the log.

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