.. warning::
This release is NOT backwards compatable with v0.1.4. Specifically, in order
to initialize a session with postgresql, you no longer do
.. code:: python
os.environ['SNORKELDB'] = 'postgres://localhost:5432/' + DBNAME
from fonduer import SnorkelSession
session = SnorkelSession()
which had the side-effects of manipulating your database tables on import
(or creating a ``snorkel.db`` file if you forgot to set the environment
variable). Now, you use the Meta class to initialize your session:
.. code:: python
from fonduer import Meta
session = Meta.init("postgres://localhost:5432/" + DBNAME).Session()
No side-effects occur until ``Meta`` is initialized.
* `lukehsiao`_: Remove reliance on environment vars and remove side-effects of
importing fonduer (`36 <https://github.com/HazyResearch/fonduer/pull/36>`_)
* `lukehsiao`_: Bring codebase in PEP8 compliance and add automatic code-style
checks (`37 <https://github.com/HazyResearch/fonduer/pull/37>`_)