• Use GitHub actions for testing and publishing • Python 3 only. Breaking Py3 over Py2 change is the use of setuptools_scm.
Fix angle multiplication (189).
Adds `strict` to `MathGlyph` (default is `False`). Strict means that line segments are not converted to curve segments with (0,0) control points and offcurves stacked on on-curves are not filtered out when extracting. (235).
Last version to support Python 2 (you may need to change the requirement for fonttools if Python 2 support is giving you issues).
- [mathGlyph] Added ``scaleComponentTransform`` option (True by default) to allow excluding components' xScale, xyScale, yxScale and yScale values when performing scalar multiplication/division on MathGlyph. This can be useful when scaling a font's UPEM (193, 194).
[mathInfo] Handle case when one subtraction operand is None and the attribute format is number list; in which case set result to None (175, 176, 177).
NOTE: version [0.5.1](https://github.com/robotools/fontMath/releases/tag/0.5.1) is deprecated.
[mathInfo] Handle case when one of subtraction operands is None and attribute format is number list; in which case, do nothing (175, 176).
Fixed deployment of wheel packages from Travis. It was using the wrong github repo URL.