
Latest version: v3.3.4

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New Features
* support for Foolbox extensions using the `foolbox.ext` namespace


New Features
* New `foolbox.models.JAXModel` class to support JAX models (
* The `preprocessing` argument of models now supports a `flip_axis` key to support common preprocessing operations like RGB to BGR in a nice way. This builds on the ability to pass dicts to `preprocessing` introduced in Foolbox 2.0.

Bug fixes and improvements
* Fixed a serious bug in the `LocalSearchAttack` (thanks to duoergun0729)
* `foolbox.utils.samples` now warns if samples are repeated
* `foolbox.utils.sampels` now uses PNGs instead of JPGs (except for ImageNet)
* Other bug fixes
* Improved docstrings
* Improved docs


* **batch support**: check out the new example in the [README](
* model and defense zoo:
* attacks take an optional `threshold` argument to stop attacks once that threshold is reached

`foolbox.attacks` now refers to the attacks with batch support. The old attacks can still be accessed under `foolbox.v1.attacks`. Batch support has been added to almost all attacks and new attacks will only be implemented with batch support. If you need batch support for an old attack that has not yet been adapted, please open an issue.



Batch-support is finally here!

See 316 for details until we have updated the documentation. Right now it's still limited to a few attacks, but feel free to open an issue for any attack that you need. It's easy to extend to new attacks, we just haven't done it yet and will prioritize based on requests.


Foolbox Model Zoo

Foolbox now has an easy way to load models or defenses from Git repos:

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