
Latest version: v23.11.0

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Not secure


Not secure


Not secure


Not secure
extension-using new version.


Not secure
earlier publishers.

Licensing clarification

Foolscap is distributed under the (very liberal) terms of the MIT license,
which is the same license that Twisted uses. It's been like this since the
beginning, but this is the first release to make this obvious by including a

foolscap.logging Changes

'flogtool tail' now has a --catch-up option, which prompts the remote
publisher to deliver stored historical events to the subscribe, in proper
sequential order. This allows you to connect to a process that has just done
something interesting and grab a copy of the log events relevant to that

'flogtool tail' also has a --save-to option, which specifies a filename to
which all captured events should be saved. This file can be processed further
with 'flogtool dump', 'flogtool filter', or 'flogtool web-viewer'. This
behaves much like the unix 'tee' utility, except that the saved data is
recorded in a lossless binary format (whereas the text emitted to stdout is
not particularly machine-readable).

'flogtool tail' and 'flogtool dump' both emit human-readable log messages by
default. The --verbose option will emit raw event dictionaries, which contain
slightly more information but are harder to read.

'flogtool create-gatherer' will create a log gatherer .tac file in a new
working directory. This .tac file can be launched with 'twistd', the standard
Twisted daemon-launching program. This is significantly easier to work with
than the previous 'flogtool gather' command (which has been removed). The new
--rotate option will cause the log-gatherer to switch to a new output file
every N seconds. The --bzip option will make it compress the logfiles after
rotating them. For example, a log gatherer that rotates and compresses log
files once per day could be created and launched with:

flogtool create-gatherer --rotate 86400 --bzip ./workdir
(cd workdir && twistd -y gatherer.tac)

New sample programs

doc/listings/ and are a pair of programs
that let you safely grant access to a specific command. The server is
configured with a command line to run, and a directory to run it from. The
client gets a FURL: when the client is executed, the server will run its
preconfigured command. The client gets to see stdout and stderr (and the exit
status), but does not get to influence the command being run in any way.
This is much like setting up an ssh server with a restricted command, but
somewhat easier to configure.

doc/listings/ and are similar, but provide file
transfer services instead of command execution.

New Features

Tub.setLocationAutomatically() will try to determine an externally-visible IP
address and feed it to Tub.setLocation(). It does this by preparing to send a
packet to a well-known public IP address (one of the root DNS servers) and
seeing which network interface would be used. This will tend to find the
outbound default route, which of course is only externally-visible if the
host is externally-visible. Applications should not depend upon this giving a
useful value, and should give the user a way to configure a list of
hostname+portnumbers so that manually-configured firewalls, port forwarders,
and NAT boxes can be dealt with.


Not secure

All releases between 0.1.3 and 0.2.4 (inclusive) are fully wire-compatible.

foolscap.logging Changes

'flogtool filter' command added

This mode is used to take one event-log file and produce another with a
subset of the events. There are several options to control the filtering:
"--strip-facility=foolscap" would remove all the foolscap-related messages,
and "--after=start --before=end" will retain events that occur within the
given period. The syntax is still in flux, expect these options to change in
the next few releases. The main idea is to take a very large logfile and turn
it into a smaller, more manageable one.

error logging

Applications should avoid recording application-specific instances in log
events. Doing so will forces the log viewer to access the original source
code. The current release of foolscap uses pickle, so such instances will be
loadable if the viewer can import the same code, but future versions will
probably switch to using Banana, at which point trying to log such instances
will cause an error.

In this release, foolscap stringifies the type of an exception/Failure passed
in through the failure= kwarg, to avoid inducing this import dependency in
serialized Failures. It also uses the CopiedFailure code to improve
portability of Failure instances, and CopiedFailures have been made

The preferred way to log a Failure instance is to pass it like so:

def _oops(f):
log.msg("Oh no, it failed", failure=f, level=log.BAD)

Finally, a 'log.err()' method was added, which behaves just like Twisted's
normal log.err(): it can be used in a Deferred errback, or inside an
exception handler.

'flogtool web-viewer'

Adding a "sort=time" query argument to the all-events viewing page URL will
turn off the default nested view, and instead will sort all events strictly
by time of generation (note that unsynchronized clocks may confuse the
relative ordering of events on different machines). "sort=number" sorts all
events by their event number, which is of dubious utility (since these
numbers are only scoped to the Tub). "sort=nested" is the default mode.

The web-viewer now provides "summary views", which show just the events that
occurred at a given severity level. Each event is a hyperlink to the line in
the all-events page (using anchor/fragment tags), which may make them more
convenient to bookmark or reference externally.

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