
Latest version: v0.1.1

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* Inpaint model released.


* Variation/Upscale (Midjourney Toolbar) implemented.


* Virtual memory system implemented. Now Colab can run both base model and refiner model with 7.8GB RAM + 5.3GB VRAM, and it never crashes.
* If you are lucky enough to read this line, keep in mind that ComfyUI cannot do this. This is very reasonable that Fooocus is more optimized because it only need to handle a fixed pipeline, but ComfyUI need to consider arbitrary pipelines.
* But if we just consider the optimization of this fixed workload, after 2.0.16, Fooocus has become the most optimized SDXL app, outperforming ComfyUI.


* V2 released.
* completely rewrite text processing pipeline (higher image quality and prompt understanding).
* support multi-style.
* In 100 tests (prompts written by ChatGPT), V2 default results outperform V1 default results in 87 cases, evaluated by two human.
* In 100 tests (prompts written by ChatGPT), V2 prompt understanding outperform V1 prompt understanding in 81 cases, evaluated by two human, in both default setting and multi/single style mode.
* Because the above number is above 80%, we view this as a major update and directly jump to 2.0.0.
* Some other things are renamed.


* Added better error descriptions for the civit api


* Automatically grabs lora keywords from civit on startup

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