
Latest version: v1.1.0

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This is an updated version of the `fooof` 1.X.X series, with some non-breaking updates and additions. There are no changes to the FOOOF algorithm, and no breaking changes to the API. This is the last planned release to the v1.X.X series, before a major breaking changes in the `specparam` v2.X.X release series (see Changelog for details).

Notably updates in this release include:
- Optimizations to the fit procedure, including providing Jacobians to `curve_fit`, which speeds up fitting (299)
- Add getter functions for data & models, which also support return linear space / additive model data (296)
- Support for extracting results as pandas Dataframes (196)
- Some optimization updates, including increasing the runtime of `fit_fooof_3d` (201)
- Extend options for reports (267, 257)
- Add additional checks to input data (182, 269), and update procedures for defining check & run modes (293 294, 296)
- Additions of some new helper functions (including: 279, 288, 289)
- Miscellaneous bug fixes and small updates (including: 268, 232, 212, 210, 206, 280, 285, 295, 302)
- Miscellaneous updates & fixes to the documentation & module descriptions (inluding: 284, 286)
- Module & repo updates for python versions, code documentation, automated testing, etc (including: 273, 275, 278, 281)

Plotting updates:
- The `plot_spectrum` and `plot_spectra` functions have been combined (198)
- Note that `plot_spectrum` has been aliased to `plot_spectra`, and so will still work
- Options for shading has been added to spectral plots (199)
- Updates to options for styling plots (176, 300)
- Updates to the options for saving reports (no longer requiring the `save_fig` argument) (204)


This release is for the v1.X.X series of Python FOOOF.


This is an updated version of the developmental demo.

This is the status of the tutorial at the time of submitting review updates.


This is an updated version of the v0.1.X, with some fixes and additions. There are no changes to the FOOOF algorithm, and no breaking changes to the API. This is the last release to the v0.1.X series, before some breaking changes in the v1.0.0 release.

- Updates to generating synthetic power spectra, including updates to the parameters it can take it, and new support utilities such as `param_sampler` to sample from a distribution of parameters, and `param_iter` to iterate across parameters. Also new functionality to rotate spectra around a specified frequency point.
- Add a progress bar, using tqdm, that can be used with FOOOFGroup
- Update and reorganization of plts, including making a series of usable independent plotting functions, including, for example, shading regions of the power spectrum, and plotting multiple spectra on the same plot.
- Some documentation and organization updates, and small bug fixes.


This is a minor update version, with some small fixes and additions. There are no changes to the FOOOF algorithm.

- The addition of convenience functions to run FOOOF across 3D matrices of power spectra
- A rewrite of, specifically in terms of functions used to generate synthetic power spectra. This includes major updates to 'gen_power_spectrum' and 'gen_group_power_spectrum', and the addition of the SynParams object, which keeps track of parameters used for simulation.
- Fix a bug in which peaks could be placed outside of the fitting range of the power spectrum.
- A series of small fixes, including managing data internally and extracting data and better type checking for provided inputs. None of these fixes should change fitting results, and generally address rare edge cases.
- Some small updates to internal variable names and documentation.


This is a minor update for the 0.1.X release, containing only documentation updates.

It also removes a work-in-progress file that should not have been included in the 0.1.0 (the file 'new_fooof_group.m'), as this file is not yet functional.

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