
Latest version: v0.1.3

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- e894da7 (tag: v0.0.3) v0.0.3
- 92061e5 fix search return table count of lines error
- 470ba80 fix docs err


- a44e40c (tag: v0.0.2) add project to PyPI
- dac5287 add usage
- 1c990e1 add todo
- 459be19 fix ID display incorrectly
- fe0572e add exception handle under mode download according QQ music dir
- 99cd980 add output status
- cbf20f3 add skip when file exists under mode download according QQ music directory
- 0860d05 move the completed todo to feature and add some new todo
- ce098c4 update image
- bf86174 add feature:auto search and download according to qq music directory
- a0f7848 add feature, auto download to appropriate folder classify by singer
- 27b7520 update image
- ca2b708 fix input `source` function
- daa0cd9 add feature download
- 6932c4a set ID is golbal ID, not start from 1 every time
- 47e72c1 add display song interval
- 09cf464 add func get_download_url
- cc8551c add display total
- 347998d add search demo image
- 43b8a18 add search feature
- 6ab42be add original intention and plan
- c13e289 Initial commit

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