**Breaking changes!**
- new test named `values` - where you can test HTTP request headers using only your own values,
- `-v / --values` option now also accepts a single value for quick testing - not only a single file,
- `paths-sniper` test is renamed to `paths-ram` - **breaking change**,
- new option `-dmp / --dump` - where you can just dump all the test cases in the output file without actually running them,
- new option `-sc / --status-codes` - where you can specify which HTTP response status codes to include in the results,
- by default, `stresser` is now "locked" to `Python Requests` instead of PycURL, while `forbbiden` stays the same, "locked" to `PycURL`,
- in `streser`, `-ic / --ignore-curl` option is renamed to `-ir / --ignore-requests` - **breaking change**,
- added error handling for HTTP response decoding, and also added `OSError` in the existing exception handlers - mostly because of PycURL complaining,
- added a new fancy progress bar,
- refactored some code.
Python tool for brute forcing 4xx response status codes. Based on PycURL and Python Requests.