
Latest version: v3.1.0

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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What’s changed

🐛 Bug fixes

- 5 Add aiodns IPv6 workaround frenck
- 6 Fix API host frenck

🧰 Maintenance

- 7 Add GitHub Action for black frenck


What’s changed

✨ New features

- 3 ✨ Add new data options klaasnicolaas

📚 Documentation

- 4 📚 Update the readme docs klaasnicolaas


What’s changed

✨ New features

- 2 🚑 Fix bugs round 2 klaasnicolaas

🐛 Bug fixes

- 2 🚑 Fix bugs round 2 klaasnicolaas


What’s changed

✨ New features

- 1 🔨 Update the project klaasnicolaas

🐛 Bug fixes

- 1 🔨 Update the project klaasnicolaas


Say hello to the first release of the Forecast Solar python lib. This repo makes it possible to find out how much your solar panels could produce in the future (max +24 hours), based on location and other parameters.

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