
Latest version: v0.9.0

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- Upgraded pyQuil to v4 (gh-237). As a result, the minimum supported Python version is now 3.8.


- Omits `PRAGMA DELAY` from experiments to be run on the QVM.




- Upgraded pyQuil to v3 (gh-215). As a result, the minimum supported Python version is now 3.7.


- Fix compiler timeout during test (jlapeyre) (gh-208)
- Fix type error in pauli coefficient in observable calibration for recent pyquil versions (kylegulshen) (gh-207)
- Add noise definition only once to quil program (kylegulshen) (gh-206)



Improvements and Changes:

- Add PyPI version and Slack badges (gh-196).
- Add Zenodo badge and BibTeX file for citation (gh-197).
- Accommodate XY gate in `basic_compile` (gh-202).
- Increase PyQuil version requirement to accommodate XY gate (gh-203).


Breaking Changes:

- Major module re-org of superoperator tools into `operator_tools` also moved `random_operators` to the operator tools module. Added type checking in random operators, added new module to check plain old operators are unitary etc (gh-150, 140, 164).
- Remove symmetrization functionality from `observable_estimation` in favor of pyquil functionality (gh-194).
- Methods in `fitting` renamed to be less ambiguous `decay_constant_param_decay` -> `decay_time_param_decay` and
`fit_decay_constant_param_decay` -> `fit_decay_time_param_decay`. Correspondingly, the fit parameter was renamed
`decay_constant` -> `decay_time`(gh-175)
- `generate_cz_phase_ramsey_experiment` was made plural, consistent with rest of `qubit_spectroscopy` (gh-175)
- `acquire_cz_phase_ramsey_data` removed in favor of `estimate_observables` and all other specific `acquire_*` methods
in `` were removed in favor of `acquire_qubit_spectroscopy_data` (gh-175)
- argument order standardized, which changed the api of `generate_exhaustive_process_dfe_experiment`,
`generate_exhaustive_state_dfe_experiment`, `generate_monte_carlo_state_dfe_experiment`,
`generate_monte_carlo_process_dfe_experiment`, `robust_phase_estimate`,
and positional arg name of `acquire_dfe_data` (gh-182)

Improvements and Changes:

- Fixed the years in this Change log file 2018 -> 2019
- Added linear inversion process tomography (gh-142)
- Changed qubit tensor factor ordering of state tomography estimates to match that of process tomography, e.g.
tomographizing the plus eigenstate of `X0 * Z1` and passing in `qubits = [0,1]` will yield the state
estimate corresponding to `|+0> = (1, 0, 1, 0)/sqrt(2)` rather than `|0+>` (gh-142)
- Improved the `superoperator_tools` notebook and the `random_operators` notebook (gh-98)
- Improvements to Ripple carry adder notebook, added tests for non parametric bit string
prep program in utils (gh-98)
- Added the ability to project a Choi matrix to the closest unitary (gh-159, 157)
- Reduced local test run time from 11min to 5min (gh-160)
- Major changes and improvements to all notebooks (gh-148, 149, 153, 154, 155, 156, 165, 167, 172, 182(see 183))
- Speedup the tests (gh-158, 161)
- Complete overhaul/addition of documentation in docs folder (gh-170, 174)
- Github PR and bug report templates added (gh-177, 182)
- `merge_disjoint_experiments` and `get_results_by_qubit_groups` added to `` to facilitate
running experiments 'in parallel' on a QPU and analyzing the results separately (gh-182)
- various `do_*` methods added that wrap various experiments into a single method with sensible defaults (gh-182)
- examples notebooks moved to docs/ directory to be rendered within documentation (gh-182)
- tqdm progress bars added to most data acquisition methods (gh-182)


- Dagger is now implemented in pyquil as a gate-level modifier, but this doesn't play well with noise models on the QVM
so a stop-gap was put into basic_compile to hand compile the dagger modifier (gh-169)
- Compiler sometimes failed to find connected subgraphs of qubits (gh-188)
- QPU cannot handle integer parameters (gh-188)


Breaking Changes:

- `` is entirely replaced. All changes from (gh-135) except where stated otherwise.

- `` -> `` (gh-138)

- `pyquil.operator_estimation` dependencies replaced with `forest.benchmarking.observable_estimation` (gh-129,132,133,134,135)

- `operator_estimation.TomographyExperiment.out_op` -> `observable_estimation.ObservablesExperiment.out_observable`

- `operator_estimation.measure_observables` -> `observable_estimation.estimate_observables`

- `operator_estimation.group_experiments` -> `observable_estimation.group_settings`

- `utils.all_pauli_terms` -> `utils.all_traceless_pauli_terms`

- `DFEData` and `DFEEstimate` dataclasses removed in favor of `ExperimentResult` and tuple of results respectively (gh-134).

- plotting moved out of `qubit_spectroscopy`; instead, use `fit_*_results()` to get a `lmfit.model.ModelResult` and pass this into `analysis.fitting.make_figure()`

- `pandas.DataFrame` is no longer used in `randomized_benchmarking` (gh-133), `qubit_spectroscopy` (gh-129), and `robust_phase_estimation` (gh-135). These now make use of `observable_estimation.ObservablesExperiment`, and as such the API has changed substantially. Please refer to example notebooks for new usage.

- `pandas.DataFrame` methods removed from `quantum_volume`. See examples notebook for alternative usage (gh-136).

- `utils.determine_simultaneous_grouping()` removed in favor of similar functionality in `observable_estimation.group_settings`

- SIC state helpers removed from `utils`

- default `utils.str_to_pauli_term` now associates left-most character of input `pauli_str` with qubit 0. If `qubit_labels` are provided then the qubits label the characters in order.

- `utils.all_pauli_*_terms` -> `utils.all_traceless_pauli_*_terms` to reflect fact that identity term is not included.

- `utils.pauli_basis_pauli_basis_measurements` removed

Improvements and Changes:

- `analysis.fitting` has been expanded to hold each fit model used in `qubit_spectroscopy` and `randomized_benchmarking`

- `RX(angle)` for arbitrary angle now supported by `basic_compile`

- `observable_estimation.estimate_observables` (formerly `pyquil.operator_estimation.measure_observables`) has been decomposed into separate steps:
- `generate_experiment_programs()`, which converts and experiment into a list of programs
- optional symmetrization, which expands each program into a group of programs that accomplish symmetrization
- data collection and optional `consolidate_symmetrization_outputs()` which collects data used for estimates
- `calibrate_observable_estimates()` which can be used to update estimates after collecting calibration data

- `plotting.state_process.plot_pauli_transfer_matrix()` now automatically casts input to `np.real_if_close`

- `_state_tomo_settings()` no longer includes all-Identity term.


- t2 experiments now implement correct echo sequence


Improvements and Changes:

- Moved bitstring prep/measure program creation helpers to utils (gh-118)
- Added functoinality to `plotting` module: two ways to visualize a quantum state in the Pauli basis, plotting of a Pauli Transfer Matrix, plotting a real matrix using a Hinton diagram, the addition of the computational basis as a predefined basis object (gh-119)
- Refactor iterative MLE to use ExperimentResults directly (gh-120)
- Combined `graph_state` and `bell_state` modules into `entangled_state` module, added deprecation warnings for the old modules (gh-122)
- Made Ipython Notebooks a part of testing (gh-123)
- Resolve test warnings and doc string formatting issues (gh-124)
- **Breaking change.** Bump version and delete `graph_state` and `bell_state` modules (gh-125)
- Added the ability to check if the Kraus operators are valid (PR 128)

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