* Removing dependencies to Earth Engine API and RClone which were used to interact with Google Earth Engine and Google Drive to compute and download forest and WHRC biomass data.
* Removing functions ``run_gee_forest()`` (and alias ``country_forest_run()``), ``download_forest()``, and dependencies.
* Removing functions ``run_gee_biomass_whrc()``, ``download_biomass_whrc()``, and dependencies.
* Package `geefcc <https://ecology.ghislainv.fr/geefcc/>`_ can now be used to compute and download forest from GEE.
* Adding dependency to ``geefcc``.
* Upgrading GADM to v4.1.
* New Python API doc on website.
* Modifying random forest to accept number of trees and max depth.
* Update progress bar to mimic gdal progress.
* Compatibility with Python >= 3.12 and Numpy >= 1.23
* Several other improvements and bug corrections: https://github.com/ghislainv/forestatrisk/compare/v1.1.3...v1.2