
Latest version: v1.5.6

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* renderer._value is deprecated. Use renderer.value

* added renderer.raw_value

* Model.__html__() (if any) is used to render model in read_only mode.



* Added `.insert_after(field, new_field)` to the `FieldSet` object. Same
as `.insert()`, except it adds it after the specified field.

* Docs improvements

* Fix 131 to 137



* Added `.value_objects` to both Field and FieldRenderer objects. Returns the
objects instead of list of primary keys when working with ForeignKeys.

* add IntervalFieldRenderer

* switch back to WebHelpers

* add Hungarian translation (125)

* fix bug with latest version of couchdbkit

* update paster template to Pylons 1.0b1

* fix issues 123, 124, 127, 128



* include css in



* new controllers to generate CRUD interfaces based on pylons RESTController

* couchdb support improvement (allow to use RESTController)

* Experimental RDFAlchemy support

* Add date formats to config module.

* add fs.copy()

* zope.schema.List and zope.schema.Choice support (thanks to Christophe Combelles)

* fix issues 107, 113, 114, 117, 118

* css improvement for pylons admin interface



* Added fs.append(field) fs.insert(field, new_field) and del fs.field to
Fieldset. fs.add() is deprecated.

* Added field.set() to modify the field inplace.

* bug fixes: issues 70, 80, 82, 97

* added spanish tanslation (thanks to robarago)

* added the `.with_html` method to `AbstractField` which will be
passed to the renderers, allowing to add some HTML attributes to rendered
HTML tags. Removed html_options from render method. (See issue 60)

* validators are now passed as second argument the `field` being validated. WARN:
this will mean adding the parameter to your functions to be backwards compatible.
The validator function signature changed from `myfunc(value)` to
`myfunc(value, field=None)`.

* ext.couchdb now use couchdbkit instead of py-simplecouchdb

* added the `.with_metadata` method to `AbstractField` which allows
you to add metadata to your field. The difference with `.with_html()` is that
the attributes passed in will not be rendered in the HTML element, but are there
only to be used in your templates, to tweak the output according to those
properties. See docs/forms.txt

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