
Latest version: v0.9.0

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* ``fields=False`` argument is supported in ``formasaurus.extract_forms``,
``formasaurus.classify``, ``formasaurus.classify_proba`` functions and
in related ``FormFieldClassifier`` methods. It allows to avoid predicting
form field types if they are not needed.
* ``formasaurus.classifiers.instance()`` is renamed to
* Bias is no longer regularized for form type classifier.



This is a major backwards-incompatible release.

* Formasaurus now can detect field types, not only form types;
* API is changed - check the updated documentation;
* there are more form types detected;
* evaluation setup is improved;
* annotation UI is rewritten using IPython widgets;
* more training data is added.



* Python 3 support;
* fixed model auto-creation.



Initial release.

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