
Latest version: v0.12.0

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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* Allow aliases in selects.

.. code:: python

sql = """ select x as y """



* Enabled single quotes as SQL string wrapper.
So you can format double and single quoted SQL strings.

.. code:: python

sql = """ select x from y """
sql `` ''' select x from y '''

* Fixed: Don't print ``--debug`` parameter value.
* Added ``--dry-run`` parameter. If ``--dry-run`` is set, no file will be altered but printed to STDOUT.
* Allow comparison of scalar with sub-select

.. code:: python

sql = """ where x = (select max(*) from k) """



* All given non-Python files are handled as SQL files.
The ``--types`` parameter can be used to exclude certain file types.
* Added command line parameter ``--version`` to echo the current version.
* Added command line parameter ``--debug`` to print available debug output.



* ``Where`` conditions with string comparison are now processed correctly.
* Multiple statements in one SQL file can now be processed.
* Multiple statements in one Python string can now be processed.



* Package rewritten.



* Fix an issue with passing ``--types`` command line argument.

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