
Latest version: v1.3.0

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* spell check support
* display white chars switch
* highlighting current line switch
* printing document output
* shortcuts dialog


* fix SIGSEGV - gui threads conflict
* fix window cache settings
* min size of editor and preview when both widgets are visible
* python2 fix


* vim with working application menu
* realy disabled accels for vim
* toggle buttons to on/off editor and preview
* tabs setting in status bar
* preferences are save automatical
* auto indent is switchable
* showing line numbers is switchable
* right margin is switchable
* text wrapping is switchable


* GTK Version check
* add accels only for SourceView editor
* export document as HTML
* using WebKit2 engine
* Python 2.x encoding fixies
* links, images and media urls showen in popup bar
* JSON preview
* PEP writer fix
* only one application menu
* info for Debian and NetBSD users
* SourceView editor settings:
- tab width
- usinng spaces intead of tabs
- 80 chars length line visualization
- periodic saving file


* Formiko Vim entry point


* New 1.0.1 release
* Adding ChangeLog file
* fix vim editing on empty line at and of file
* fix file path when application server is running

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