This is a major new release with some new features, greatly improved ergonomics
for structured formulae, matrices and specs, and a few small breaking changes
(most with backward compatibility shims). All users are encouraged to upgrade.
**Breaking changes:**
* `include_intercept` is no longer an argument to `FormulaParser.get_terms`;
and is instead an argument of the `DefaultFormulaParser` constructor. If you
want to modify the `include_intercept` behaviour, please use:
Formula("y ~ x", _parser=DefaultFormulaParser(include_intercept=False))
* Accessing terms via `Formula.terms` is deprecated since `Formula` became a
subclass of `Structured[List[Terms]]`. You can directly iterate over, and/or
access nested structure on the `Formula` instance itself. `Formula.terms`
has a deprecated property which will return a reference to itself in order to
support legacy use-cases. This will be removed in 1.0.0.
* `ModelSpec.feature_names` and `ModelSpec.feature_columns` are deprecated in
favour of `ModelSpec.column_names` and `ModelSpec.column_indices`. Deprecated
properties remain in-place to support legacy use-cases. These will be removed
in 1.0.0.
**New features and enhancements:**
* Structured formulae (and their derived matrices and specs) are now mutable.
Internally `Formula` has been refactored as a subclass of
`Structured[List[Terms]]`, and can be incrementally built and modified. The
matrix and spec outputs now have explicit subclasses of `Structured`
(`ModelMatrices` and `ModelSpecs` respectively) to expose convenience methods
that allow these objects to be largely used interchangeably with their
singular counterparts.
* `ModelMatrices` and `ModelSpecs` arenow surfaced as top-level exports of the
`formulaic` module.
* `Structured` (and its subclasses) gained improved integration of nested tuple
structure, as well as support for flattened iteration, explicit mapping
output types, and lots of cleanups.
* `ModelSpec` was made into a dataclass, and gained several new
properties/methods to support better introspection and mutation of the model
* `FormulaParser` was renamed `DefaultFormulaParser`, and made a subclass of the
new formula parser interface `FormulaParser`. In this process
`include_intercept` was removed from the API, and made an instance attribute
of the default parser implementation.
**Bugfixes and cleanups:**
* Fixed AST evaluation for large formulae that caused the evaluation to hit the
recursion limit.
* Fixed sparse categorical encoding when the dataframe index is not the standard
range index.
* Fixed a bug in the linear constraints parser when more than two constraints
were specified in a comma-separated string.
* Avoid implicit changing of the sparsity structure of CSC matrices.
* If manually constructed `ModelSpec`s are provided by the user during
materialization, they are updated to reflect the output-type chosen by the
user, as well as whether to ensure full rank/etc.
* Allowed use of older pandas versions. All versions >=1.0.0 are now supported.
* Various linting cleanups as `pylint` was added to the CI testing.
* Apart from the `.materializer` submodule, most code now has inline
documentation and annotations.