
Latest version: v3.1.2

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Add support for signatureHelp requests with non-overloaded subroutines/functions
- Provide autocomplete and hover information for procedures with explicit interface definitions
- Add support for Fortran 2008 block constructs, fixes [23](
- Add support for "DOUBLE COMPLEX" datatype


- Fix bug where external interfaces were erroneously public in default private modules
- Fix bug producing repeated objects with include statements



- Catch and report more types of errors related to file processing, fixes [21](



- Fix bug with incremental sync using VSCode on windows, fixes [20](



- Add keywords to autocomplete results in variable definition statements
- Filter autocompletion results in extend, import, and procedure statements
- Ignore completion requests on scope definition and ending lines to reduce autocomplete noise
- Filter autocompletion results in variable definition statements to reduce autocomplete noise (variables only)
- Ignore autocomplete and definition requests on preprocessor lines
- Add option to test completion and definition requests in debug mode


- Improve export of abstract and external interfaces for completion and definition requests
- Fix scope name detection to prevent confusing variables that start with Fortran statement names
- Fix handling of external and abstract interface specifications
- Fix bug preventing unrestricted USE statements from overriding USE only statements
- Fix bug where file parsing ended prematurely in some cases with line continuations



- Add intrinsic functions and modules to autocomplete suggestions
- Add support for include statements


- Remove erroneously included global objects from autocomplete results in USE ONLY statements
- Fix displayed type for derived type objects in autocomplete requests



- Add support for find_references, global and top-level module objects only
- Filter autocomplete suggestions for callable objects in call statements
- Speedup initialization and updates on large projects by accelerating construction of USE tree


- Fix parser error with definitions requiring enclosing scopes in include files and unnamed programs, fixes [17](
- Fix parser failure with visibility statements in included fortran files, fixes [16](
- Fix detection of lines with trailing comments

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