
Latest version: v2.0.0

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Bug: Incorrect case on filename prevented `` executing on case-sensitive filesystems


- **BREAKING** No longer uses `eval` for importing modules - `eval` was originally used to support very early versions of Python (2.3+) but it now means that modern packaging systems cannot understand `fortranformat` module structure. Since the latter is a more likely use-case the `eval` statements have now been dropped. It has been tested with Python 2.7+ and likely still works with earlier versions
- Migrated and recreated docs on Git/Github from Mercurial/Bitbucket
- Fixed issue where decimal values of G and E edit descriptors were causing exceptions on output
- The `config.RECORD_SEPARATOR` is not reset properly when calling `config.reset()`
- Tests for more of the edge cases
- Edit descriptors now output quoted strings even when there are no more values to output


- Fixed issue 10 - Edit descriptor reversion now starts a new record

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